Specific reading strategies are taught to the whole group using the "Reading Street" language arts program. The students also participate in literature circles where groups of students with the same interests and approximately the same reading level read and discuss the same piece of literature. Fourth grade students are encouraged to read more through the Accelerated Reader program.
The textbook, Progress in Mathematics, is used to guide the fourth grade math lessons that are aligned with math standards set by the Diocese of Madison. Hands-on learning and problem solving is emphasized as they learn multi-digit multiplication, division, fractions, place value, measurement, and geometry.
The fourth grade writing curriculum includes individualized spelling tests, narrative writing, opinion writing, informational writing, parodies, poems, and biographies. All of the fourth grade language arts standards are met through these writing genres.
The fourth grade students learn about the geography of the United States and Wisconsin, the state history of Wisconsin, and the three branches of government.
Earth, life, and physical science are the units of study in fourth grade. The units are taught with the assistance of an on-line program called "Mystery Science". In Mystery Science, a mystery is told through images and videos which "hooks" the students into a discussion and hypothesis. The lesson ends with further investigations using hands-on STEM activities designed to prove or disprove the students' hypothesis.
Fourth graders learn about the Rosary, Ten Commandments, Sacraments, and frequent prayer. Weekly Mass allows them to participate in public speaking. Fourth graders also participate in a number of service projects.
Students will participate in Art, Spanish, PE, and Music.
Morning Meeting
Spelling and Conventions
Social Studies
In 4th Grade each student has an assignment notebook that is filled out at the end of the day. Students are responsible for filling out their homework and any reminders in here. There is also a homework website parents can check.
At St. John’s we encourage our students to give back to their community. One way we do this is by frequent visits to the Meadows. Students have gotten the chance to Trick-or-Treat, play Bingo, read, and do projects with the residents at the Meadows. In addition, students went Christmas Caroling at the Senior Center and Greenway Manor. The fourth graders have also made tie blankets for oncology patients.
As fourth graders, students have the chance to participate in our Homework Club after school. Homework Club is offered to all students in third through sixth grade. This program is held after school on Monday nights. This gives students time to ask additional questions on their homework, receive one-on-one instruction with their teacher, and work on projects in the classroom.