The transition from second to third grade can seem like a big one: students are expected to be more independent, responsible, and organized. They adjust to receiving letter grades, work on the skill of studying for tests, and do more during the day on their own. With small class sizes we can work together and provide individual attention to help children rise to meet these new challenges!
Third graders are expected to spend about 30 minutes on homework each night. Homework includes reading and completing a reading log, math, and spelling. If students do not complete work during class time, this may also be sent home for homework.
Units in life, earth, and physical sciences are taught and STEM activities are incorporated throughout.
The program, Reading Street, covers many different reading strategies, concurrent with State Standards. Students also meet with the teacher in Guided Reading Groups throughout the week. Accelerated Reader is used as a motivational tool to help students experience different reading genres at their individual reading level.
Reading Street also gives students the opportunity to learn about and create writing pieces in a variety of genres, including narrative, expository, letter writing, poetry, and research writing.
Progress in Mathematics, the textbook used in third grade, emphasizes hands-on learning and problem solving strategies involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The students get excited about memorizing their multiplication facts while being active with a program called Hopscotch Math.
America's early communities, US government, and economics are studied in third grade.
Students will participate in Art, Spanish, PE, and Music.